The Trotro Girl
Documenting the Human Experience

My battle with jealousy


Many many years ago, there was this lady I just would never compliment. Even when deep down I knew she looked great, if her hair was on point or her dress was lovely, I’d never admit it. And when others around me did, I found something negative to say.

One day, I took my bag, got dressed and decided to go to a library. On the street, I met her. I waited for her to cross the road to my side. We exchanged pleasantries and bade each other goodbye. As I crossed the road, I thought to myself, is this the kind of person you want to be? So jealous of others that you aren’t even happy?

So, I changed my course. I decided to go to the Adoration Chapel at Church to sit in solitude, reflect and pray.

Deep down my heart, I knew that I could not continue to live like that. I prayed to God forgive me and to give me a new heart posture, to help me to appreciate what He was doing with, in and for others. Then, I prayed for that specific lady that God would make her great, that she would shine and be beautiful. 

I realised then that I needed to be intentional about if I were going to change.

Anytime I would go on my knees I would pray for her. I did this consistently till I no longer felt jealous of her.

I stopped saying negative things and praised her more.

And I made it a goal to pray for my friends and people around me every time I prayed.

Since then, I pray for my friends that God will bless them financially, that their relationships will flourish, that they would be healthy, that those seeking jobs would find, those starting businesses would make it, those praying for marriages, children, scholarships…

I pray for even the secrets of their hearts, the things they do not share – their longings, fears and silent tears. 

When God does any of these in their lives, that becomes my answered prayers. Whether they tell me or I see it for myself, I go back to God in gratitude. 

Is there room for jealousy when you are praying for someone? Hardly ever because we grow in love for the people we pray for.

Whenever you stand in prayer, be sure to pray against the “evil of self”. “The flesh will humble you” as is popularly said. The desires of the heart that are not in alignment with the purposes of God, as we pray, jealousy, fear, shame… begin to dissipate. However, it does not end in prayer. We must take action too. Speak positive things about others intentionally, take a step towards what you fear and you will find that you have victory over these.

Temptations come in many different ways. However, I know how to nip it in the bud before it can bloom. I know where and how to fight my battles. In prayer, I win always!

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