The Trotro Girl
Documenting the Human Experience

A surfing adventure

Kofi Acquah, from Busua Beach, Western Region, where he grew up, shares his story with us. Growing up in Busua, there was a black surf shop that was interesting to him. He often saw people

The African View of Self

A few years ago, I went to a salon to get my hair done. It was a Saturday evening and as usual there were many clients that day. The hairdresser's sister who had just returned from one of the

Invest in you

Neris, from Benin, is our portrait for today. Enjoy! Neris is an engineer at Melcom Head Office in Accra. He is 28 years old. His hobbies are playing basketball, watching movies and

No more hesitation

I attended an event at Alliance Francaise d`Accra and this gentleman came picking chairs and cleaning the floor. As a former member of staff, I know everyone at Alliance and so this face was