Can a woman have it all?
Mrs. Golddust Green has always been terrified to take on “so much” as a woman. I reckon that “so much” is relative. I look at women who have jobs and / businesses, studying for a degree, managing the home or playing so many other roles. And often wonder how they do it and if it is really possible. Despite the fact that our journeys are different, certain decisions seem to be time bound. For instance, while I may choose any time to go back to school, applying for scholarships today have age limits. I may put off bearing children. But there is a limit to how long I can and the implications; for instance, on my health. Some women, like my own mother, have done it. For the women who are doing it today, how are they going about it?
Our portrait for today is a young ambitious woman. She runs multiple businesses, manages a family and recently graduated with an MBA.
Golddust Green is 30 years old; a wife and a mother of two lovely girls. She loves to read – Christian literature, self-help books and entrepreneurship journals – or watch movies.
She went to St. Louis Senior High School for her high school education. Mrs. Green holds a BSc Business Administration (Accounting) from the University of Ghana and an MBA from the University of West of Scotland.
She is an entrepreneur and a Kingdom Business Coach. She helps Christian entrepreneurs start profitable businesses that align with their purpose and passion.
Golddust has always loved business. “I remember I used to sell a few things to my friends in primary school”. However, her entrepreneurship journey started in university, level 200, when she imported hair from AliExpress to sell. Later, she added beaded accessories. Unfortunately, it affected her studies so she had to put that on hold.
After university, she ventured into Clothing. She imported clothes from Turkey but had to stop because she got pregnant. “I couldn’t deal with the scent of the clothes”.
After having her baby, she started Essential Organics Ghana. This idea first started with finding a natural remedy for her baby’s blocked nose where she stumbled upon essential oils. This business has now grown to be a 6 Figure Business. It is one of the top skincare and haircare formulation suppliers in Ghana.
Her exposure to the business terrain opened her eyes on how businesses are managed and scaled successfully. So, she decided to venture into coaching online businesses on how to grow and scale their businesses.

“As I did this, I was inspired by God to niche further down. Now, I help Christians build successful businesses that will promote the Kingdom of God”.
She admits that juggling family, business and school has never been easy. “I love being in my comfort zone and only doing things I found comfortable”.
However, her narrative changed as a result of her husband. He inspired her to take up some challenges for a change. She gave it a go and anytime she feels like giving up she asks for strength from God.
“My most challenging time was when I was writing my thesis. I was taking care of my toddler and newborn baby all by myself in the UK. Hubby always encouraged that I can make it and indeed, I did ”.
Her businesses are mostly online so she tries as much as possible to automate some of her activities and delegate. She uses several apps to schedule posts and respond to Frequently Asked Questions about her business. This way, she is not always online. She does most of her tasks for the day the night before she sleeps. I schedule my posts and create offers for the week or the next day.
“The kids take a lot of my time. So, I make sure I give them the necessary time they need for their healthy growth and development. Anytime I’m doing a particular thing, I make sure to turn on focus mode so nothing distracts me”.
When she was pursuing her masters, she responded to online messages from 9am-11am. She then focused on studies before coming back to it later in the day. She missed orders sometimes but made sure she never missed her deadlines for her studies because it was her priority at that time.
Golddust believes we are all not the same because our capabilities are different. However, one thing we should never do in life is to stay in our “comfort zone”
She wants young ladies to make up their minds to be financially independent.
“Believe it or not, men respect money. If you are a woman and you don’t depend on your spouse entirely for money, he respects you and doesn`t treat you anyhow”.
According to Mrs. Green, marriage is wonderful if you find the right person and understand each other. Therefore “before you commit, communicate your expectations, responsibilities and desires”.
She believes that women should be gainfully employed or running a business that can sustain them and enable them contribute towards the home.
For Mrs. Green, “women are the builders of societies” is not just a cliché, because women shape the future generation. “We must renew our minds to confirm with the Word of God and consciously imbibe that in our children. “We must learn to be financially independent and capable of contributing towards the home. Most divorces and numerous quarrels in marriages are as a result of financial problems”.
On education, Golddust encourages women not to wait for the right time because it will never come.
“As long as you can afford it, get on with it and see how times will align for you and before you realise it, you’ll be graduating. Whatever your desires are as a young lady don’t give up on them as a result of marriage. My husband would say there will always be an excuse as to why you will not do it. But no matter how justifiable the excuse is, just do it anyway!”.
Although she agrees that balance is needed, she believes that a perfect life balance is subjective. What each person finds important would be different. She advises young women to apportion their time and resources according to their scale of preferences. “They should include but not limited it to:
a. Your relationship with God
b. A peaceful and loving family
c. Shelter and Security
d. Financial independence
e. Giving back to society in cash and (or) in kind
f. Desired level of Education”
As a young woman still making decisions pertaining to marriage, career and an overall balance in life, I find Mrs. Golddust Green’s wisdom very helpful. I am particularly thankful that she emphasises the need for women to have their own money but especially that marriage should not be the reason why we put our goals on hold. With all she has achieved at her age, she is proof that it is possible. However, we are all different. Keep moving but go at your own pace. Learn from others but be mindful of comparison.