Fully Empty
Have you ever been afraid? I struggled with fear for the most part of my life. I have seen the paralysing effect of fear take root in my life from childhood. It grew to maturity and bore fruit. I have battled fear and lost on countless occasions in all areas of my life.
I have refused to apply for scholarships and jobs for fear of interviews. Hmm, I have denied myself the joy of the company of others for fear of not being liked. Or not being being nice enough.
In fact, I have delivered poor presentations which could have otherwise been excellent. All because of fear of not being impressive enough. And I have missed out on great friendships for fear of being hurt. Even thetrotrogirl did not start until after two years of holding back because of fear.
Fear as a driving force of anything leads to destruction and mediocrity. It leaves you in a worse state than it met you.
Usually, fear does have a root course. Childhood traumas, negative self-talk, listening too much to the negative opinions of people, people pleasing, and even pride could be causes.
I tried different remedies including talking to people and asking for prayers and seeking psychological help for its effects in my life.
Always, I struggled with insomnia and migraines. I sought professional assistance. They advised me to follow some online programmes. Some gave me medications to calm my nerves, numb me, or simply knock me off to sleep. All of these offered comfort to some degree but none truly worked.
One day, during my undergrad days, I went to the student clinic. The insomnia was strangling the life out of me. The doctor, found out that I did not have a boyfriend and so no relationship issues. That I was actually doing well academically. And that there was no major issue at home to warrant sleepless nights.
She told me quite frankly that she did not know what to do. Because she could not keep me on medication. Then, she asked me if I believed in God and I replied in the affirmative. She advised me to leave everything that might be bothering me to God. And to entrust it all to Him in prayer.
I left there, grateful. She went out of her way to recommend to me, Jesus as the solution to what man could not solve.
The book of 2 Kings chapter 4 tells us the story of Elisha and the widow with the jug of oil. This story provides us with perspectives on seeking remedies to whatever plagues our lives. The widow`s creditors were upon her but she had no money to pay back. She risked losing her two sons to slavery.
So, she petitioned Elisha for help. When Elisha asked her what she had at home, she said nothing but a jug of oil. He asked her to borrow vessels from her neighbours. He emphasised two things. The vessels must be empty and they must not be a few.
She borrowed the vessels and for as long as she kept pouring the oil, it kept flowing. She filled all the vessels and the oil only stopped flowing when there were no more empty vessels.
Why is this story significant in the life of a believer?
It shows us the power of emptiness. Contrary to what we believe, emptiness is actually strength. Every I can’t, I’m weak, I am inadequate, I am afraid, I don’t know, is an invitation to hold on to God all the more.
It is an acknowledgement of our insufficiency in and of ourselves. It is a fine opportunity to call unto the Lord, the all sufficient, all capable, all powerful God.
Therefore, the empty vessels represent the opportunity for being filled. And the number of empty vessels represent the capacity to be filled.
In our own walk with God, how much we empty ourselves of ourselves is how much God can fill us. When we are willing to let go of doubt, we can gain more faith. When we are willing to let go of the world and all that is in it, we can gain the kingdom and then everything else. And when we are readily give up our lives, He gives us new life in Him.
The emptiness (empty vessels) represents an opportunity for God to come big. It creates room for God to show up and show off big. It is a blessing to receive more of and from God.
The oil represents what we have – the nothing we think we possess. The widow did not seem to count the oil for anything?
Today, you and I may have one cedi to add to someone`s trotro fare. We may have a smile or a plate of food to make someone’s day. It could be our physical strength to help another lift some weight. It may be a snack for that boy or girl going to school. Or time to volunteer to support a ministry or organisation.
Notice again, that the oil only stopped flowing when all the vessels were full. Until His purpose is accomplished in our lives, until we are filled with His grace, provision, until we have all we need He won’t ever leave us.
But when does He not have a purpose or assignment for us? Therefore, each day, there is new, fresh and sufficient grace to face all fears and trials. We are strengthened in our weakness. Hence weakness becomes a strength.
Relying only on God and and not ourselves is how we can throw ourselves into the arms of the thing we fear and still stand. Jesus embraced the crucifixion because He knew that every weakness was strength in God.
Esther could say “if I perish, I perish” because her fear dissipated in God. Today, I can face fear, knowing how woefully inadequate my own skills, knowledge, talents are and yet how infinite and unmeasurable His provision and unmatched His Grace is to carry me through.
Look to Him alone and fear would loosen its grip on you.
In my former church, it was always a challenge getting members to attend programmes. No matter how much it was going to be of benefit to them, members just had an apathetic attitude towards everything. It was frustrating sometimes.
One day, as I expressed my frustrations and disappointments to the church president. He said to me, “Belinda, all these make me rely on God all the more because after trying everything I know to do, only He can provide a way out”. And indeed, I could never have put it any better because after you have done your best and have come to the end of yourself, what else?
In what areas of your life do you need to empty yourself so He can fill you? Bring it before Him, ask Him to fill your emptiness and inadequacies with His sufficiency. Life won’t be easy, but there will definitely be an ease with which you trod.
In your emptiness, God can show forth his strength.