Reflections from a visit to Togo
Children begging on the street; young energetic boys having no work to do and waiting on the government to provide for them; the youth with brilliant ideas but no mentorship, no support; filthy smelly cities with choked gutters; no bed syndrome; ever-reigning presidents; governments of family and friends; malaria; all resources being shipped off to “another world”; gold; diamond; cocoa; shea butter; schools under trees; struggling with the definition of ” development”; kente; Batakari; Tuo Zaafi; fufu; djékoumé; starving kids; famine; xylophone; atumpan; the music of the Black Ocean; female circumcision; widowhood rites; puberty rites; unique cultural excellence; the splendour of magnificent traditional architecture; “sunlight as the most abundant resource” lack of pride in who we are; oppression from different directions… AND STILL THE MOST AMAZING CONTINENT ON THE PLANET!

Show me where in Africa you can’t find beauty, and I will show you that your definition of beauty doesn’t fit the African context
One thing remains clear to me after this visit – the slicing of Africa like bread into colonisable territories is one of the greatest tragedies of our history but our future can be different.
Are you ready to do your part?
Yes I am ready to!!!!!!!!!
That`s the spirit, Calvin.