The Trotro Girl
Documenting the Human Experience

Remembering Miracle


I wrote this tribute on 11th April, 2020 when our dog, Miracle, died.

We found you in a ditch less than 4 months ago. You were so shy. I still remember how you would hide behind the sofa just to get away from us. Perhaps our arms were much longer than those that had cuddled you before and so it wasn’t so enjoyable. And Happy Boy was just too excited to have some company. I was always unsure about leaving you with him alone. “Do we keep her?” “Well…what if her owner is having sleepless nights not knowing where she is”. We went round the neighbourhood and no one reported of a missing puppy. “Yeeeyyyy we get to keep her”.

Playing with miracle

You gradually felt more at home and began to show us your other self, your bubbly self. We named you Miracle because you were a miracle in our lives. You were the first female dog we have ever had. The first all brown dog. The first stray dog and oh the first dog with ears that looked like they were custom made for all the juicy gossip in town. Happy Boy bullied you often but you never lost your shine.

But today, you have brought us deep sorrow. You teased our hearts into loving you. And then you walked away before we could warn ourselves not to fall any deeper. You tricked us into believing that our pains were nonexistent when we looked into your eyes and fed you from our palms. Only to cause us more pain eventually.

You were beautiful.

Why did you leave us? Were you that curious to know what Jesus might be doing now while the world awaits his resurrection that you just had to go?

It’s amazing how anything, even a dog, can change our lives if we let it

Miracle, Happy Boy lies here heartbroken, wishing you’d just come back.

You touched our lives. It’s amazing how anything, even a dog, can change our lives if we let it.

Till you wake tomorrow to warm our hearts one more time, rest in peace, our Baby Love.

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