The Trotro Girl
Documenting the Human Experience

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal: Problem or Solution?


I love the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR). I have seen and admired the zeal and commitment of both the young and the old. It’s beautiful.

We often say that we are not a society but a Movement. But are we still moving? How far have we come?
I believe we recognise that the church needs re-evangelisation but have we truly responded to the call to GO (Matt 28:19-20)?

Some of us stay away from various societies and groups complaining that they are lukewarm or walking in the flesh. But who should go and set them on fire?
Who should bring this women’s group and that women’s group together if not you.
Who should remind them that their baptism, receiving of the Holy Eucharist and confirmation is not for warming the pews.

Who should…if not you?

We went through Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS), received the gifts but use it only within the CCR. Who should teach those outside the movement? If not you, who should prophesy to them?
Who should stand up to the priest who thinks his way must stand if not Mr./Madam Fire branded?
Yet, we sometimes come back together to make comments about them, their lukewarmness and emptiness of the Spirit when we should be standing in the gap and entering such spaces.

We stay in the church, avoiding certain practices without asking God to teach us the Truth. The Catholic Church has resources on every practice. Yet, we don’t study because our minds are made up.
And now, too, our attitude.
We must pray with 3 microphones even when are a gathering of 15 in a small space. And priests shouldn’t complain that we are making noise. Because somehow, people should hear and be attracted to the fire like Moses was attracted to the burning Bush. We must shout. Perhaps, to show that power has been released. If you don’t fall or manifest in some shape or form, you probably are not quite there yet.
And if you don’t speak in tongues, then, you are you really filled with the Spirit? He probably has already given you the gift but you are too uptight. Open up to speak it.

…they did not get baptised, receive communion and confirmation just to warm the pews?

It has become this way to the extent that if certain leaders or charismatic priests are not leading revivals or programmes, we are tempted to think it wasn’t “powerful enough”.

Well, maybe I am really just talking about myself. I recall years ago, I used to attend Mass elsewhere. We had some weekly sessions where different priests were invited. The first Friday was “fire” as we the CCR people like it. I decided to invite a friend of mine who is protestant but doesn’t mind attending Mass sometimes. She really wasn’t interested in coming. But I wanted her to see that some of the arguments we have had in the past concerning church doctrines were baseless because the Catholic Church also had the Holy Spirit, we had all the gifts of the Spirit and even Catholic Priests could be on “fire” too.

But as God would have it, I completely forgot that the following Friday was the beginning of the Lenten season so we had stations of the Cross. So, I dragged this friend there, ready to show off my Church’s potential as carriers of the Holy Spirit too.
Haha we started with Stations of the Cross and I could see how she dragged herself through. Then afterwards, the priest that ministered that day, was veeeeerry Catholic (by this, I mean what we believe Catholics to be. Slow, quiet, contemplative and not “spiritus”. I felt disappointed that God did not “do show” for this lady to see that “Romanfo) too dey”.

We don`t study because our minds are made up.

It did not matter to me that God could have spoken to her in the First Station or 7th or 12th even if she wasn’t paying attention. It didn’t matter to me that the message of the priest and it’s potency was not in how much he shouted, clenched his fist, jumped about or stamped his feet but in his speaking the Truth and glorifying Jesus by that.

Somehow, I was upset that God had failed me. Because this mere mortal (me) who God has the right to summon like He did, Job and ask “where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?” thought that she had to “prove God” to others outside the Catholic Church.

Who did I think I was then (not even saying I am anything now. Only that He has shown me mercy. Glory to God!)?

The CCR is a great blessing.

My point is that the Catholic Charismatic Renewal is a great blessing of and to the church. Joining the Renewal helped me fall more in love with God, radicalised my prayer life and gave me a love for soul winning and intercession. From the Renewal, we have been blessed with many lay Catholics in active ministry to complement the work of our priests. This is exactly what I believe is the goal of the movement from the beginning.

However today, there seems to be an “us vs them” between CCR as a movement and rest of the Church. So, we are either moving out to start our own churches, join other churches (and I truly believe God can call someone in this way), or we stay but seclude ourselves and often criticise the church without learning or availing ourselves for the purposes of the changes we hope to see.
How about if we had more CCR members joining Marshallans and St. John; or volunteer as animators of the Sunday School in your Parish. What about proclaiming the word as a lector? Joining the Knights and Ladies of the Altar, the ushering department or even seeking to serve on the PPC.

And oh, how about if we participated more in Church picnics and fun activities? True, we may not speak in tongues there, or fall under “the anointing”. But such spaces too are sacred ground. And the Lord delights in the gathering of His saints even if they only share a meal or play a game. That too is wonderful in His sight (Ps 133: 1-3).

… there seems to be an “us vs them” between the CCR… and rest of the Church.

And concerning the numerous questions and more plainly, doubts we have about many of the Church’s teachings, I recommend His Holiness Pope Francis’ message for the 61st World Day of Prayer for Vocations. “…to young people and those who feel distant or uncertain about the Church, I want to say this: Let Jesus draw you to Himself; bring him your important questions by reading the Gospels; let Him challenge you by His presence, which always provokes in us a healthy crisis. More than anyone else Jesus respects our freedom. He does not impose, but proposes. Make room for Him and you will find the way to happiness by following Him. And, should He ask it of you, by giving yourself completely to Him”.

His message is pretty simple. Bring your questions (about the church, its teachings and practices) to Jesus. He will give you answers and the clarity you seek.

We need a consciousness of the communion of saints, that spiritual solidarity. And here’s the thing, the true fire of the Holy Spirit is that burning in our hearts at the word of God (Luke 24:32). It is that fire that consumes the flesh as we walk in the spirit. It melts away the hardness of our hearts towards God. And brings to the surface, the impurities in gold as it yields to the purifying qualities of the fire. We are that gold. And as we surrender to His fire, we become more like Him and love our neighbour more.

“We need a consciousness of the communion of saints, that spiritual solidarity”.

This burning in our hearts produces a love that does not seek to “show off” our spiritual gifts nor make our neighbour like us – pray like us, shout like us, sit in contemplation like us, pray only the Rosary like us…

It produces 1 Cor 13.

It seeks more how Jesus would have each of us relate with Him. Just like every marriage is different and reflects the personalities of the 2 involved, so is our marriage to Christ. Our individual relationship with Him does not have to look the same. However, it can be as fervent, as loving and as intimate.

I want to believe this is the goal of the CCR. To set people on fire for God which includes building a personal Altar of prayer, meditation on the word and growing strong in faith.
If that is the case then the response to the call to GO may not mean more shouting, more arguments, more seclusion. It may simply mean more love – seeking to understand the teachings of the church, drawing closer to people and other societies and praying more for the perfect will of God to always be number 1 in all the dealings of and within the movement and the church.

Long live the CCR!
Long live the Catholic Church!

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