When you are a beautiful man
I caught myself smiling in a trotro recently because I saw a beautiful woman. She wore a simple white shirt with a blue-black sleeveless jumpsuit over it. Her red lipstick made her fair complexion pop even more. I was not the only one enthralled by her pretty face. The guy sitting in front of me kept staring at her till his head could no longer turn.
Beauty is a gift. And since we say beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, whatever we find beautiful in our eyes always invokes such feelings and reactions like seeing that lady did, at least, to me. How about beauty in men?
Today, our portrait talks about beauty from a man’s perspective.
Charles Lwanga Bayel, is a 28-year-old medical doctor; the 2nd of 4 children (3 strong guys and a pretty lady) born to Catholic parents. He enjoys reading and sightseeing for leisure.
According to Charles, the beauty of a person depicts the outward appearance of an individual, constituting how a person presents himself and/or how society sees him. He believes beauty can either be natural or artificially enhanced through the use of makeup, surgery or other means.
When it comes to men specifically, he believes beauty is based on appearance – the way he dresses, the way he carries himself about, and anything another person sees attractive in him the first moment they set eyes on him. “There are no standards of beauty for men, in my opinion. What one sees as beauty might not be the same for another person; it is subjective”.

He considers himself handsome partly because of the compliments he receives from others about his looks. Although he believes his appearance does not depend on the comments of people, he thinks that what others say about you is a reflection of how they see you.
“I do receive compliments on a regular basis from people about my looks; good enough to sweep me off my feet…lol”. While his looks have got him new friends, it has also made him some unknown ‘enemies’. “It creates the impression that I hold myself ‘so high and mighty’ just because of my looks”.
He believes it also gives the impression that he is a person who flirts with ladies because he has quite a number of females who approach him for friendship and at times for a relationship. To him, this makes it difficult, if not impossible, to clear that erroneous thought from the minds of people.
His advice to people on their looks is that each person is unique in their own way. People cannot judge themselves using others as a scale.
“You are what you see yourself to be, but not what others see you to be. Also, treat others uniquely but not based on their outward appearance. You can’t use the level of beauty of people as a yardstick for how to treat them. Each individual has a whole genetic and physical makeup. Get close to someone before judging him. And yes, not all handsome guys are womanisers”.
Definitely, a take home for me would be that your view of yourself is more important than the view of others about you. And that a man considered good looking by many ladies does not make him a womaniser.
What do you think?
That is a nice view about beauty. But on the actual fact, beauty lies in the heart of the woman. Your physical appearance might be ok but your character and attitude also counts.
I agree. Character counts
I like the part that says, ” And yes, not all handsome guys are womanizers”.
Hahaha, well, that`s true
Thank you